Best Friend

by - September 27, 2020

In our twenties,  everyone is busy with their own life. Our childhood friend, oh even our college friend maybe doesn't at the same life stage anymore. You know, some friends maybe too busy with their job, or have a lot of things to do in their graduate school, or preparing all the stuff for a wedding, the other maybe is so happy with newlywed life, other friends maybe juggling between job and the baby, or maybe some of them still busy finishing their undergraduate thesis or even taking their master degree. So different life phases, different mental conditions, different problems, and maybe distance separate us.

persahabatan di usia 20 an
I really love this pic taken by Mbak Fitra. Not a perfect jump, just one perfect afternoon.

That first paragraph is taken from the previous article that I've written two years ago, you can read the full text here (I hope you read it by the way). And now, the condition was still the same for me...but, I get used to it. We remain friends but we rarely contact them or meet them anymore, but thanks to the current technology that makes us able to keep in touch with them, and thanks to that social media thingy so we can "seeing" our friend's life from afar. I  think everyone in this twenties is experiencing the same story, right? To said that the circle got smaller, maybe not, we still in a circle with our friends we knew before, we value them, just with the contacts/meetings frequency that is different.

I think every person, every friend, who crossed our life path will never a NEVER! They always thought one thing or maybe so many things. They give us a beautiful memory that always warms your heart and make you smile everytime you remember it. So, to mention one person as a best friend is almost impossible cause everyone brings a lesson to us.

kkn ugm belitung pulau seliu
Just wanna put it here cause why not? My serendipity.
I'm so grateful, that in this bla bla bla years old, I still have some good friends. I have one friend who with him I can have a comfortable conversation...after almost fourteen years of friendship, I can still talk about everything with him, from random stuff till something important in my life. Yeah, just in case you read this, I hate to say it, but's you, thank you.

I also have that one friend who always helps me to regulate my feelings, my emotions. A friend who's I think is compatible with me in talking about mental well-being. Our conversation never always long and serious, it always took focus and full energies to read and reply. That's why sometimes it takes hours or days to reply to each other, so we can give the best feedback and not just 'asal-asalan' words. This kind of friend is extremely rare I think. So, if you read this, thank you so much for our precious conversation, God bless you.

I also have a friend where I can always run into every time I need spiritual advice. Friends who always remind me to never be far from Allah. A friend who I believe will always genuinely pray for me. Sometimes, reading the text from her makes me teary, realizing how comes this kind of person exists and how grateful I should be for having a friend like this. Yes, Bu Nyai, I'm talking about you, thank you...jazakumullah.

To be granted with some kind of work-mates also something beautiful for me. Working with some kind of human being on daily basis is priceless, cause having this kind of friend always be part of my prayers before. So grateful and thank you for you guys for always made my days easier.

pengalaman magang tim media fisipol ugm
Tim Media Fisipol UGM, once upon a day. Four months with them was unforgettable.
I learn a lot from these wonderful person.
I write about them in this article.
For all my friends who know me in person or just meet me for a while and considering me as your friend, thank you for all the beautiful experiences, for all the lessons you thought me. I hope you're doing good, I hope you and your beloved people survive during this pandemic, I hope God always encourage you so you become strong enough to live the life, I hope you always surrounded by some people who always care with your physical and emotional well-being, I hope you always find happiness in every little thing even though sometimes life gets hard, and I hope your dream comes true. I love you.

Magelang, Sunday 27.09.20 | 17.42 WIB
Yesterday was gloomy day
So watching some NCT's videos today
their live stages, dance practice, variey show, etc
help me feel better. 

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