Lady in Red!

by - January 10, 2014

Photos were taken on January 1st, 2014
Not to celebrate the New Year moment, of course.
On special event held by my family and citizen around my house,
we grateful for the mosque that had built completely by all donors.
Alhamdulillah :)

That batik skirt was made by my mother, yes she did it! :)
The unique side is that fabric, the batik fabric is from 1992.
On 1992 my mom buy a very large fabric,
she made as her dress when she was pregnant in 1993,
she also made for her batik shirt in 2008,
and she made for my skirt last year hahah

mom is the daughter's best friend :)

The white dress that's worn by my mother was also made by herself.
The outer is long white chiffon dress, with pleats on her tummy, 
and simple embroidery in the wrist.
The inner is long white satin dress.
What a simple but elegant dress!

with my beloved brother, Helmi Faizal. Yes, he is really taller than me -__-

mother and her children :*

cousin >> Jatmika (sister) - me - Helmy (brother) - Nisa (sister) - Ita (sister)

Lady in Red!

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